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Terms & Conditions


The domain name “” and mobile application “HRU” is an internet based portal and digital healthcare marketplace provider, operated by RVS Healthcare Private Limited, a company duly incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 having its registered office at 25/54 Kaveri Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur.

“HRU” website and mobile application is a platform to provide facilities such as doctor’s appointment, online consultation with doctors, purchasing medicines online through pharmacies, availing/ordering services from diagnostic labs and centers, online purchase of Over The Counter products and medicines, and such other related and ancillary services.


In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires -
  • “Patient” means a user registered as “patient” on the website or application and any of the family members of the patient added under profile of such patient.
  • “Healthcare Service Provider” includes service providers, whether registered on website or mobile application, delivering healthcare products and/or services to registered HRU patients. “Healthcare Service Providers” include but are not limited to doctors or medical practitioners; pharmacies and other similar businesses or institutions or organizations; diagnostic labs and centers, providing their services through website and application.
  • “User” means Patient and Healthcare Service Provider.
  • “Referrer” means a registered user on whose referral a new user is registered on the HRU website and application using referrer’s referral code.
  • “Health Vault” is a feature available on the website and application that saves and records medical documents like lab reports, prescriptions, invoices, vitals and symptoms or any other similar document or information uploaded or electronically generated during the transactions which take place between the patient and the healthcare service provider through the website and application. User (patient) can also manually upload some of these documents to their health vault.
  • “No show fee” means part of consultation fee which is pre determined by the doctor or medical practitioner and which is charged at their discretion when the patient does not show up at the clinic or hospital on the stipulated date and time booked by him or her.
  • “Website” or “Application” means website with the domain name and mobile application HRU operated by RVS Healthcare Private Limited.


  • Every patient who wants to avail products and services through the website and application is required to obtain registration as per the procedure established by HRU.
  • If any patient provides any false, inaccurate or incomplete information while using the website or the application, HRU has the right to cancel the registration of that patient or discontinue any services provided to such patient.
  • Any patient using the website or the application must have attained 18 years of age or above to register. Any patient registering on the website or application expressly and impliedly undertakes that he or she is 18 years of age or above and also undertakes to indemnify HRU in case such information is found to be false. HRU shall not be responsible in any manner for the authenticity of the personal information provided by any patient while using the website or the application.
  • HRU allows a registered user to add family member or members under his or her profile and the registered user is then permitted to avail product and services, for and on behalf of such family member or members, through the website or application.
  • The patient in whose name main profile is registered on the website and application is legally responsible for transactions done on behalf of his/her family members on the profile of such family members.


  • For the purpose of booking appointment any patient registered on website or application can search a doctor or medical practitioner by name/specialty/symptom etc. Every patient registered has the choice to filter or sort the search results by various criteria’s as provided on the website or application.
  • Every patient is required to pay consultation fee of the doctor or medical practitioner to book an appointment.
  • After successful booking of appointment every patient will be issued a transaction ID which can be used for any further reference.
  • After successful booking of appointment every patient will be issued a unique QR code which the patient will have to provide at the clinic or hospital to complete the check in.
  • While going to the clinic at the stipulated date and time of booking the patients shall carry any of their Identification Proof such as Driving License, Aadhar Card, Voter Id etc, in order that the clinic or hospital may verify patients identify.
  • If the patient is not carrying a valid QR code or Identification Proof, the doctor or medical practitioner may not be able to check in the patient and can refuse to provide any service to the patient. At this time doctor or medical practitioner may charge “No Show” fees.
  • HRU is not responsible for any medical advice or treatment, patient is receiving from his or her medical service provider using HRU website or application. HRU serves only as a digital marketplace to bring healthcare service providers and patients closer.
  • The doctor or medical practitioner with whom appointment has been booked has the discretion to cancel the appointment at any time. In case of cancellation of appointment by the doctor, the patient would be entitled to full refund of the amount paid towards consultation. HRU is not responsible or liable for any such cancellation by the doctor or medical practitioner.
  • Any patient who is booking an appointment can be granted appointment at a fixed time or between a time slot, as per the option exercised by the patient. It is hereby clarified to the patients that the patients may have to wait for a reasonable time at the clinic or hospital due to any genuine cause such as number of patients at the clinic or hospital being higher than normal, non availability of doctor due to emergency etc.
  • The patient is required to be at the clinic or hospital at the stipulated date and time of booking, else doctor may charge for “no show fee”. In such a case the patient is refunded the consultation fees after deducting the no show fees as directed or specified by the doctor.
  • That apart from consultation the doctor or medical practitioner may have to perform additional procedure or in-clinic procedure, for which the doctor or medical practitioner can charge additional fee over and above the consultation fee. In such a case the patient has the option to pay such additional fee through the website and application.
  • HRU uses an automated system that lists the medical practitioners or doctors and provides their information on the website and application. The said listing does not in any manner provide any ranking or endorsement of medical practitioners or doctors. The listing is based on automated system based on various factors such as distance of the clinic or hospital from the patient, timing or availability of doctor or medical practitioner, consultation fee, reviews and ratings given to a doctor or medical practitioner. Every patient registered has the choice to filter or sort the search results as per his or her choice.
  • Though HRU displays information regarding the doctors and medical practitioner on the website and application, such as their specialization, qualification, fees, location, visiting hours etc and makes reasonable efforts to verify and scrutinize such information provided by the doctor or the medical practitioner. However, HRU does not hold any liability for any false, inaccurate or incomplete information provided by the doctors and medical practitioners.
  • HRU is a digital healthcare marketplace which only serves as a platform to provide healthcare services. Any product or service provided by doctor or medical practitioner at his or her clinic or hospital is solely under the control of the concerned doctor or medical practitioner and HRU is not liable for the same. It is further clarified that HRU is not liable for any consultation, medicines prescribed or medical test conducted or medical report or diagnosis or procedure or such other procedures performed or adopted by the doctor or medical practitioner.
  • Patient’s have an option to cancel the booking before such reasonable time of the appointment date and time, as prescribed by HRU from time to time. In case of such cancellation the patient will be refunded the consultation fee after deducting the processing fee incurred on the said transaction.
  • Patient’s have an option to reschedule the appointment booked by them up till such reasonable time before the appointment date and time, as prescribed by HRU from time to time.


  • HRU through its website and application facilitates the purchase of drugs, pharmaceutical products, medicines and over the counter products offered by Pharmacies and other similar businesses.
  • HRU facilitates the patients to avail diagnostic test, lab reports and other similar services and facilities offered by Labs and diagnostic centers.
  • All the products and services offered for sale on the website or application are generated, procured and produced by such pharmacies, labs, diagnostic centers and other such similar businesses and institutions. HRU has no control over such goods and services. The authenticity and genuineness of the goods and services made available by such healthcare service providers shall be their sole responsibility. HRU shall have no liability with respect to the authenticity of the goods and services being offered through the website or application. shall not be held liable in case the doctor or medical practitioner prescribes some medicine or other pharmaceutical product and pharmacy delivers some other medicine or pharmaceutical product.
  • Patient agrees and undertakes that contractual terms with respect to the sale, purchase, delivery and consumption of these goods and services which are offered by and agreed to between patient and such healthcare service providers shall strictly be a bilateral contract between the patient and such healthcare service providers.
  • The contractual terms include, but are not limited to, price, shipping costs, payment methods, payment terms, date, period and mode of delivery, warranties related to these goods and services offered for sale, and also the after sales services related to such goods and services. HRU does not have any control over, and does not determine or advise or in any way involve itself in the offering or acceptance of, such contractual terms offered by and agreed to, between patient and such healthcare service providers.
  • Patients accept and acknowledge that pharmacies shall be solely responsible for any claim, liability or damages that may arise in the event it is discovered that pharmacy does not have the sole and exclusive legal ownership over the pharmaceutical goods and services that have been offered for sale on the website and application, or did not have the absolute right, title and authority to deal in and offer for sale such pharmaceutical goods and services.
  • HRU is not responsible for any unsatisfactory, delayed service, or breach of the contract entered into between patient and such healthcare service providers for purchase and sale of goods or services offered on the website and application.
  • HRU does not implicitly or explicitly support or endorse the sale or purchase of any items or services on the website or application.
  • It is clarified that the healthcare service providers offering goods and services on the website and application are solely responsible for procuring the appropriate licenses for the same under the appropriate legislations and the patient shall not hold HRU responsible or liable for any damages arising out of use of such goods and services.
  • HRU website and application is a platform that can be used by the patients to purchase various drugs and pharmaceutical products that requires a valid medical prescription issued by a doctor or medical practitioner for the purpose of dispensing such medicine, offered for sale on the website or application. In order to purchase Prescription Drugs from pharmacies patients are required to upload a scanned copy of the valid prescription on the website or application. The order would not be processed and forwarded to the concerned Pharmacy until it receives a copy of a valid prescription. Pharmacies will verify the prescription forwarded by patients and in case pharmacy observes any discrepancy in the prescription, they can cancel the order immediately. Patients may be required to make the original prescription available at the time of receipt of delivery of such medicine or drug. Patients shall allow the delivery agent to stamp the original prescription at the time of delivery, in case need arises, failing which such medicines or drugs will not be delivered.
  • It is possible that order for a substitute of a Prescription Drug may be processed by the pharmacy only if the doctor or medical practitioner has permitted for any other equivalent generic drug to be dispensed in place of the Prescription Drug in the prescription itself or if the prescription solely lists the salt names instead of a specific brand name. The pharmacy might cancel the order if the above condition is not fulfilled for which HRU shall not be held liable.
  • It is hereby clarified that HRU is not and shall not be responsible for any sample collected, tests conducted and reports generated by the Labs and Diagnostic Centers.
  • The listing of drugs or other pharmaceutical products or lab services offered by any pharmacy, lab or diagnostic center on the website or application by such healthcare service provider is merely an ‘invitation to an offer for sale’ and not an ‘offer for sale’. The placement of an order by the patient shall constitute an offer by the patient to enter into an agreement with such business or institution. The acceptance of the Offer would only be undertaken by such healthcare service provider after the validation or verification of the prescription and the ascertainment of the available stock.
  • For the avoidance of any doubt, it is hereby clarified that any reference of the term ‘offer/ offered for sale’, as appearing in these Terms and Conditions, shall be construed to be an ‘invitation to offer for sale’ by such business or institution.

Health Vault

  • “Health Vault” is a feature available on the website and application that saves and records medical documents like Lab Reports, Prescriptions, Invoices, Vitals and Symptoms or other similar document or information manually uploaded or electronically generated during the transactions which take place between the patient and the healthcare service provider through the website and application.
  • These documents or information may be generated by the system automatically or uploaded by the patient or the healthcare service provider manually and voluntarily using upload feature within health vault.
  • Health Vault facilitates the patients and healthcare service providers to maintain a medical history of the transactions that have taken place and medical documents and information that has been shared through the website and application.
  • HRU classifies these documents and information under different heads, namely – Lab Reports, Prescriptions, Invoices, Vitals and Symptoms.
  • Health Vault stores all the medical records, documents and information in the form of digital images/PDF’s.
  • HRU allows the patients and healthcare service providers to down load, print and share these documents and information as and when they want it.
  • HRU shall not be held liable in case any healthcare service provider downloads, prints, shares, sells or otherwise makes any misuse of such document or information.
  • It is hereby clarified that there could be certain documents, reports etc which may not be electronically saved in the health vault. In such cases the patients are advised to contact the respective lab or diagnostic center to understand if the document, report etc generated or produced by such lab or diagnostic center can be made available digitally on the website or application.

Feedback and Rating

  • After the completion of every transaction the patient is provided with option to rate or leave feedback regarding the goods and services availed on the website or application. The rating or feedback is very carefully screened by HRU admin team before publishing.
  • Person providing feedback must be 18 years or older. In case the transaction was in name of a family member, it will be considered that feedback given by or on behalf of such family member has been written or submitted by the main registered user who operates the account.
  • All persons giving rating or feedback are precluded to comment on healthcare service provider’s medical knowledge, to use abusive language or to write any malicious or derogatory language. It is strictly advised to provide the rating or feedback with regard to the product or service availed, in a simple and sober language.
  • In case HRU finds rating or feedback to be incorrect, inappropriate or vexatious, it has full right to not to publish the rating or feedback without any notification.

Dispute Resolution

  • In case of the dispute between patient and the healthcare service provider in relation to any product or services availed, the patient can raise dispute with the concerned healthcare service provider through HRU on the website and the application.
  • HRU makes all possible efforts to resolve the dispute as early as possible, but it might take a reasonable time to resolve the dispute depending on the nature and complexity of the dispute.
  • Although, HRU is not a direct party in the financial transaction for which the dispute is raised, however, as HRU is the digital healthcare marketplace provider, HRU only plays the role of facilitator. Meaning thereby that HRU only provides platform to the patients and healthcare service providers for amicable settlement of disputes and by doing the same HRU does not become a party to the bilateral contract between the patient and the healthcare service provider.


  1. Chat Feature:
    • HRU provides chat feature on its website and application which allows the patient to chat with the healthcare service provider and get their queries answered. These queries may be related to availability of the doctor or medical practitioner at the stipulated time or time slot of booking, documents and medical records that patients need to carry while visiting the clinic or hospital etc.
    • Chat service is not meant for consultation with the doctor or medical practitioner on medical or health issues, it is only a feature to resolve the queries posed by the patient apart from medical and health related consultation.
    • Chat service is available to the patients once they have successfully booked an appointment or placed an order.
    • HRU does not guarantee that the doctor or medical professional from whom the patient is chatting, would reply or respond to the same. Patients may get no response or delayed response while using chat feature, for which HRU cannot be held liable.
  2. Reminders:
    • HRU provides the facility of three types of reminders to the patients – (1) appointment reminder, (2) medicine intake reminder, (3) medicine refill reminder.
    • Reminder facility only works on mobile application.
    • Appointment reminder is set by default and pops up at a reasonable time before the appointment, as configured on the mobile application, reminding the patient about the prospective appointment.
    • Medicine intake reminder is based on the prescription provided by the doctor. Timings of these reminders are set up based on an algorithm established by HRU using the duration mentioned in the prescription. Patient is given an option to manually change the timing of these reminders in the application according to his or her convenience.
    • Medicine refill reminder is a manual reminder which the patient can set in order to remind him or her regarding the date on which his or her stock of medicine gets over and purchase of medicine is required. While using this facility patient needs to provide the last day and time when his or her stock of medicines gets over and the application will set up a refill reminder of 24 hrs before the prescription ends.
    • HRU provides the abovementioned facilities as an added feature for convenience of the patient. However, HRU does not hold any liability in case reminders don’t show up at the right time or shows inaccurate information. Patients are strictly advised to take medicines as prescribed by the doctor or medical practitioner and set the reminder according to the same. Patients are also advised to not to follow the reminder if the same is not in consonance with the prescription of the Doctor. HRU does not hold any liability for any wrong intake of medicine due to the reminder set up.
  3. Referral System:
    • HRU provides referral points to referrers every time a new user is registered on the website or the application using their referral code.
    • If the new user who is registered is a healthcare service provider then the referral points get added in the account of the referrer as soon as the account of the new user is activated on the website or application.
    • If the new user who is registered is a patient then the referral points gets added in the account of the referrer once the patient completes his or her first transaction using HRU website or application.
    • These referral points can be used by the user to pay for any service or product availed through HRU.
    • Referral points are not refundable nor can the same be converted into cash.
    • Referrals can be made by various methods including text message, what’s app, Facebook, e-mail or any other prescribed mode.


  • All transactions done through HRU are prepaid transactions for the anticipated services.
  • In case a transaction is cancelled at the behest of the patient then HRU will refund the booking amount after deducting the payment processing fee.
  • In case the transaction is cancelled at the behest of the healthcare service provider then HRU will refund the full amount to the patient.
  • It is hereby clarified that refund of amount may take up to five to seven working days to process and show up in the bank account of the patient, depending upon the mode by which payment was made by the patient.


  • Any user using the website or application for availing any product or services shall carefully go through these terms and conditions and the privacy policy.
  • Terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy constitute a legal agreement between HRU and any user using the website for availing any product or services.
  • If any user uses the Website and the application for availing any product or service or for any other purpose, he or she expressly and impliedly accepts the terms and conditions and privacy policy. Availing of any Product or Service on the website and application by any user signifies his or her acceptance of the terms and conditions and the privacy policy.
  • HRU can modify, change or terminate any provision of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for any reason and at any time, and such modification, change and termination shall be applicable to all users using the website and application. Use of the website and application by any user after such modification, change or termination will constitute express and implied consent on his or her behalf to be bound by the same.
  • In case of any query regarding applicability or understanding of the Terms and Conditions any user may convey the same on
  • The Third Party Content available on the website or application, including, but not limited to, text, audio, video, photographs, illustrations, graphics and other visuals, is for general information purposes only and does not constitute either an advertisement/ promotion of any drug being offered for sale by the third parties on the website and application, or any professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or recommendations of any kind.
  • It is hereby clarified that though HRU makes all possible efforts to display the details and information about the patients and healthcare service providers in the most accurate manner, but HRU shall not be held liable in case such details come out to be incorrect, incomplete or in accurate.
  • It is clarified to the patient’s that the services provided on the website and application shall not be used in case of an emergency and the patient’s shall avail the emergency services accessible to them at the hospitals or medical institutions in their respective areas. HRU does not hold any liability in case any patient uses the website and application in case of emergency.


  • HRU keeps personal medical history or data of the patient’s safe under the user login and does not share or sell the same with any third party, institution or establishment. The medical history or data of the patients can only be shared by the patient with the healthcare service provider while transacting through HRU.
  • HRU shall not be held liable in case any healthcare service provider downloads, prints, shares, sells or otherwise makes any misuse of any document or information of the patient saved in the health vault.
  • HRU does not hold responsibility of misuse of any medical record/data of the user, if the same is shared by the user outside HRU on any other platform/application etc.
  • HRU does not share or sell the personal information or credentials shared by the patient during the registration and keeps the aforesaid information safe.
  • HRU website and application asks the users to give permission to access contacts, user location, phone book, gallery etc. which facilitates in providing services to the user in a better and convenient manner.
  • HRU website and application uses temporary cookies that use certain data of the user relating to IP Address, location etc, which facilitates in providing services to the user in a better and convenient manner.
  • For smooth and safe working of the website and application HRU provides regular updates and bug fixing. The users are advised to regularly update the application for smooth and efficient functioning of the application.
  • HRU does not allow patients or healthcare service providers to view other user’s data or record.
  • HRU reserves the right to use the data of the patient anonymously, by hiding personal identification details of the patient.
  • HRU does not send messages without permission of the patient.
  • HRU sends promotional messages with an option to opt out anytime.
  • Some of the services require HRU to know who the patient is so that HRU can best meet his or her needs. When patient avails the products and services, or through any interaction with HRU via emails, telephone calls or other correspondence, HRU may ask the patient to voluntarily provide with certain information that personally identifies the patient or could be used to personally identify the patient. Patient hereby consents to the collection of such information by HRU. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, information collected by HRU from the patient may include, but is not limited to, the following - contact data (such as email address and phone number); demographic data (such as gender, date of birth and pin code); data regarding usage of the services by the patient and history of the appointments/orders made by the patient through the use of website and application; insurance data (such as insurance carrier and insurance plan); other information that the patient voluntarily chooses to provide to HRU.
  • The information provided to HRU by a patient, including personal information or any sensitive document or information, is voluntary. Patient hereby agrees and understands that HRU may use certain data and information for commercial purposes in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form for research, statistical analysis and business intelligence purposes; for sale or transfer of such research, statistical or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates; for communication purpose so as to provide patients a better way of booking appointments and for obtaining feedback in relation to the healthcare service provider and their practice; debugging customer support related issues; for the purpose of contacting the patient or healthcare service provider to complete any transaction if they do not complete a transaction and other similar purposes.
  • HRU does not exercise control over the third party sites and advertisements displayed on its website and application. These sites may place their own cookies or other files on the patient’s computer or mobile application, collect data or solicit personal information from the patients, for which HRU is not responsible or liable. Accordingly, HRU does not make any representations concerning the privacy practices or policies of such third parties or terms of use of such websites, nor does HRU guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of the information, data, text, software, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages or other materials available on such websites. The inclusion or exclusion does not imply any endorsement by HRU of the website, the website's provider, or the information on the website. If patient decides to visit a third party website linked to the HRU website and application, he or she does this entirely at his or her own risk.
  • HRU has implemented best market practices and security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that it has under its control from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification and unlawful destruction or accidental loss. However, for any data loss, theft or misuse due to unauthorized access to the patients electronic devices through which the patient avails the services, HRU shall not be held liable for any loss whatsoever incurred by the patient.
  • All HRU employees and data processors, which have access to, and are associated with the processing of sensitive personal data or information, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of personal and sensitive information, data or document. HRU has put in place procedures and technologies as per good industry practices and in accordance with the applicable laws, to maintain security of all personal and sensitive data from the point of collection to the point of destruction.
  • HRU may also disclose or transfer user’s personal and sensitive information provided by a user, to a third party as part of reorganization or sale of the assets of HRU. Any third party to which HRU transfers or sells its assets will have the right to continue to use the personal and sensitive information that users provide to HRU, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
  • No administrator at HRU will have knowledge of the log in password of the user. All users are advised to log off from the website or application on completion of the transaction. HRU does not undertake any liability for any unauthorized use of any users account and password. If any user suspects any unauthorized use of account, he or she must immediately notify HRU by sending an email to User shall be liable to indemnify HRU due to any loss suffered by it due to such unauthorized use of users account and password.
  • HRU may update this Privacy Policy at any time and all changes and amendments shall apply forthwith to all the users. If any user objects to any of the changes to the privacy policy, and no longer wish to use the products and services, he or she may contact to deactivate their account. If a user avails the products or services after changes have been made, such user hereby provides his or her consent to the changed terms.
Last Updated: 22-05-2024